Sunday, January 7, 2007


I am trying hard no to panic - I am committed to getting this blog running by tomorrow.

Sarah and Jill have been helping A LOT. I just sometimes find things really hard to get. I have 2 degrees yet am panicking at not being able to get a photo of me on my home page. Having said that having taken 56 yesterday I still do not have one that makes me look half decent.

Thereby hangs another tale......... See a bit later.......Mind you I am assuming that someone will actually visit here or care that I have no photo.

This is going to be a bit of a mish mash of a blog - we want to keep you up to date with what's going on with Scrapapple but also bring a human side to the business and how we juggle business and our lives, share our creativity and generally have a bit of fun.

Hopefully, as I become more proficient in the art of blogging my blog will improve.....we all have to start somewhere.


1 comment:

Louise said...

Yeah Congratulations !!!!!

Im so glad you bitten the bullet and Blogged!

Hope you have fun than fury :) :)